Rhythmic Imagination: Brazilian Rhythms Coordination Studies

Rhythmic Imagination: Brazilian Rhythms Coordination Studies, by Ramon Montagner, seeks to help students develop the aptitude for the execution of rhythms, and ascend some steps further in the sense of rhythmic independence.
The method is based on his extensive use and experimentation of his own material with students for over a decade, inspired by the systems used by Gary Chester, Alan Dawson, and John Ramsay, as well as Marvin Dahlgren, Elliot Fine, and Norman Grossman.

Diego Corradin – DS Drum Clinic

Diego Corradin, un batterista tra i turnisti più richiesti dai maggiori artisti della scena pop-rock nazionale, presenterà le batterie DS Drum a quasi un anno dall’inaugurazione dei nuovi stabilimenti DS Drum. Il marchio DS Drum, acquisito dalla FBT nel 2016, ha spostato l’intera produzione nel nuovo stabilimento adiacente la FBT mantenendo la garanzia di qualità che solo Luca Deorsola, fondatore di DS Drum, può garantire continuando ad occuparsi dell’azienda, in veste di socio, responsabile R&D e produzione.

All Access To Aquiles Priester’s Drumming

Drummer Aquiles Priester has just released the first official teaser for his new DVD and Blu-ray, “All Access To Aquiles Priester’s Drumming”.

Recorded in the studios of the Harman Experience Center in Los Angeles, CA, in August 2018 “All Access to Aquiles Priester’s Drumming” brings, besides the institutional lesson, themes that the drummer registered on Hangar’s last album, “Stronger than Ever”, tracks from the three albums he recorded with Noturnall and the two new compositions by Edu Falaschi executed by the same musicians of his solo tour “Rebirth of Shadows Tour”. It was shot by Foggy Films with 12 cameras, designed by producers Junior Carelli and Rudge Campos, in partnership with Adair Daufembach, who took care of the recording, mixing and mastering.

Hudson Music Free Book

Get the just-released, 70-page, Hudson Digital Book Sampler, for Free!

Check out some of the latest and most-popular digital eBooks in our catalog, for free! The 2019 Digital Book Sampler includes sample chapters from the following eBooks:

Chris Coleman – the man

Chris Coleman has performed in Europe (we have met him in Rome, Italy) demonstrating his huge technique and extreme musicality. In this first part of the long interview Chris talks about the clinic and how seriously he takes his teaching part of life. In this second part of the interview Chris talks about his life, hobbies and personal interests.