PeteLocket SymmetricalSticking

Pete Lockett – Symmetrical Stickings

Symmetrical Stickings
Pete Lockett takes a deep dive into paradiddle grooves

PeteLocket SymmetricalSticking

In this book, Symmetrical Stickings, Pete Lockett takes a deep dive into paradiddle grooves. Starting with the very basic paradiddle form, he progresses with exercises and ideas in 4/4, 6/8, 5/4, and finally 7/4. In all, there are 68 pages full of new exercises, patterns and concepts!


Gadd Cover Contest big finale3-ITA



Gadd Cover Contest big finale3-ITA

Parte oggi l’atteso #VinciGADD Contest. Hudson Music e Planet Drum unite con l’obiettivo di promuovere la cultura musicale e l’apprendimento dello strumento Batteria così come lo spirito artistico e goliardico, sono liete di omaggiare la frase dell’anno! 
Il tema scelto per questo gioco è: completa la frase “Il Batterista è….”

Per poter giocare con noi e con Hudson Music è sufficiente visitare la pagina facebook di Planet Drum e completare la frase seguendo poche semplici regole qui riportate: 


Gadd Cover Contest big finale3-ENG



Gadd Cover Contest big finale3-ENG

The long awaited #WinGADD Contest is starting today. Hudson Music and Planet Drum together with the aim of promoting the musical culture and the learning of playing drums, as well as the artistic and goliardic spirit, are pleased to pay homage to the sentence of the year!

The theme chosen for this game is: complete the phrase “The Drummer is ….” 

To play with us and with Hudson Music, simply visit the Planet Drum Facebook page and complete the sentence in your own language by following a few simple rules**: 
