Finding the Groove

Finding the Groove
Jeremy Steinkoler shares his insights and wisdom from over 30 years of performing, recording, and teaching private lessons and rock band workshops.

In Finding the Groove, veteran drummer and educator Jeremy Steinkoler shares his insights and wisdom from over 30 years of performing, recording, and teaching private lessons and rock band workshops.

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Check out some of the latest and most-popular digital eBooks in our catalog, for free! The 2019 Digital Book Sampler includes sample chapters from the following eBooks:

NIRVANNA in tour con Will Hunt

I NIRVANNA, band tributo ai Nirvana #1 in America, arrivano in Italia a marzo per un viaggio di una dozzina di tappe che faranno rivivere gli indimenticabili anni del grunge. Si esibiscono da tempo con successo in tutti gli Stati Uniti e partecipano a festival al fianco di celebri artisti un po’ ovunque. Nessuno meglio dei NIRVANNA trasmette l’emozione e l’energia delle canzoni di Kurt Cobain e compagni.